Do you remember ISTEL?


Growing out of the British Leyland Computer Systems Department, as an independent company, ISTEL became the major employer in Redditch in the 1980s. Its various industry sector groups occupied many sites across the town and served customers all over the world.

In a competitive industry it sought to consolidate its position under the aegis of larger, like minded parent company and struck a deal with AT&T. AT&T ISTEL continued to grow but slowly the ISTEL name was slowly lost.

With changing markets, recessions and other world influences, the AT&T presence in Redditch has slowly diminished and today the ISTEL name is all but forgotten.

We would like to ensure it does not disappear completely, so we need your help.

Did you, a family member or friend work for ISTEL? If so what memories do you have of the company? Do you have any photographs, documents or any other memorabilia about the organisation you can share with us?

Please contact us on

Derek Coombes

Dave Handley

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